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    Total War: ATTILA - Age of Charlemagne Campaign Pack DL

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    9.42 WMz / 789.04 WMR

    Описание товара:

    Age of Charlemagne is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, set in the Middle Ages on an sprawling new campaign map of Europe. There have been kings and kingdoms before, but this is a time where truly great men united entire nations, built lasting legacies and defined what it meant to be a king. Can you be counted amongst them? You’ll face a new age, but an exhausted world, weary of conflict and battle. New technologies and new ways of waging war will only get you so far. A good king is a shrewd man, who knows precisely how far his people can be pushed. Do not mistake a reluctance to go to war as a sign that a nation is unprepared for it. Europe remains a melting pot of conflicting ideologies and long held distrust. While the old Empire is now a fading memory, the threats and consequences of its passing echo, resonating in new dangers and pressures for fledgling nations. Opportunity presents itself in tying together vast new kingdoms, powerful new states that can be marshalled under a banner of civilisation drawn from ashes. Greatness awaits you, if you have the steel and vision of Charlemagne.


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