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15-01-25 19:26
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  • ОПИСАНИЕ ТОВАРА (idd=3298405  ids=1017126  section=41796)
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    Shadow Warrior 3 (XBOX ONE SERIES XSвњ…в­ђвњ… )

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    Xbox / Microsoft Store


    1.39 WMz / 99 WMR


    Текстовая информация (53 байт)


    28.02.2022 18:45:02

    Описание товара:

    Immediately after payment, you get access (username and password) to a shared account with licensed game + detailed instructions + Video on how to start the game and play without limits

    This Account Will Be Used to Launch Game Only Then Play on Your Personnel Profile and Open Achievements

    Games Of The Profile
    AssassinВґs Creed Valhalla
    AssassinВґs Creed Odyessey
    AssassinВґs Creed Origins

    You Will Receive 5% Cashback For Every Positive Review And A Discount For Your Next Purchase

    How to add a profile to your Xbox console:
    1) Click "Add a new player", enter the data (username and password)
    2) Then you may be asked for a confirmation code. To get the code, write to the seller
    3) The login and security Parameters - put "No barriers"
    4) Go to "My games and apps" or " Xbox Store"
    5) Install the game
    6) have a Nice game! рџЋ®

    - To start the game, you must have the Internet
    - Additional mail is not provided
    - The seller is not responsible for system updates to the console that may cause changes in the operation of the shared account

    - Go to the site (for security reasons)
    - Make account home in the console settings
    - Play with the purchased account (the purchased account is only needed to start the game)
    - Change information on the profile
    - Transfer data from account to third parties

    If you violation of these rules you will lose access to account without refund

    Дополнительная информация:

    Immediately after payment, you get access (username and password) to a shared account with licensed game + detailed instructions + Video on how to start the game and play without limits

    This Account Will Be Used to Launch Game Only Then Play on Your Personnel Profile and Open Achievements

    Games Of The Profile
    AssassinВґs Creed Valhalla
    AssassinВґs Creed Odyessey
    AssassinВґs Creed Origins

    You Will Receive 5% Cashback For Every Positive Review And A Discount For Your Next Purchase

    How to add a profile to your Xbox console:
    1) Click "Add a new player", enter the data (username and password)
    2) Then you may be asked for a confirmation code. To get the code, write to the seller
    3) The login and security Parameters - put "No barriers"
    4) Go to "My games and apps" or " Xbox Store"
    5) Install the game
    6) have a Nice game! рџЋ®

    - To start the game, you must have the Internet
    - Additional mail is not provided
    - The seller is not responsible for system updates to the console that may cause changes in the operation of the shared account

    - Go to the site (for security reasons)
    - Make account home in the console settings
    - Play with the purchased account (the purchased account is only needed to start the game)
    - Change information on the profile
    - Transfer data from account to third parties

    If you violation of these rules you will lose access to account without refund


    Digi361  » информация о продавце
     » посмотреть все товары продавца


  • количество продаж: 1
  • количество возвратов: 0
    отзывы покупателей:
  • положительные отзывы - 0
  • отрицательные отзывы - 0
  • с правилами покупки товаров
    я ознакомлен и согласен
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